Friday, June 11, 2010

bona fide genius

me me me.
yes, that is right. i. am. awesome.
just kidding.

but since graduation i have been partying it up.
okay.. not really.
i've just been spending all my time with monsieur N.
recently i've moved to california for the summer.
to watch babies.
it's kind of stressful.. it's hard taking someone else's kids.
i've been getting homesick.. but i'm hoping it will get better after a couple weeks.

but monsieur N goes home soon.. i don't want that day to come. :[
except he's discovered that there are places to play basketball around here...
so, once again, basketball takes priority over me.
at least that's what it feels like.

well... i've seen better days..
but hopefully it will get better

i don't want to go to college.
i especially don't want to go to EAC anymore.
i don't want to make my own major decisions.
i hate growing up.

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