Monday, March 30, 2009

Goal 10 already in progress. haha. :P

I've fallen in love with weddings and the whole, me being able to plan a wedding in the near future. I am SOOOO excited, you don't even know.
I've also fallen in love with this dress:

along with this one:

I've also been looking at cakes!
I know... call me pathetic.
the color options i'm thinking about are:
brown, teal, white.
pink, white, brown.
pink, green, white.
pink, yellow, white.

orange, red, white.

right now I am leaning towards pink, white, and brown.
because of the flowers I want... which are Gerbera Daisies.
and I love these exact colors in this one:

and i'm totally digging this cake. SO AMAZING!

Wow. I just can't wait if you can't tell... and I have too much time on my hands to already be planning my future wedding reception. hahaha. :]
and I definitely can't wait to be married in the temple! :]
I still have a while though to prepare myself to be a future wife and mom.
I still need to finish my Personal Progress.. so I will definitely be preparing that way.
I also need to be able to get myself on my own feet instead of my parents, by getting a job and saving up for stuff, since I will be out of this house and in a place of my own with my hubby. :]
Oh man.. I'm just excited. Enough said. :]

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